By building decay prevention strategies and assisting our patients in establishing and maintaining healthy dental practices, we promote preventative...

Scale and Polishing
Remove the deposits of plaque and tartar

Clean away the decay inside the cavity, before filling it in.

Is the surgical act of extraction of a tooth.

Is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues.

Crowns and Bridges
Both crowns and most bridges are fixed prosthetic devices.

Teeth Whitening
Eliminate most external stains from your teeth without causing any damage.
Welcome to Claremont Cape Town Dentists
Doctor Ahmad BCHD PDD (paediatrics) is currently rated one of the top dentists in Claremont based on user recommendations.
Doctor Dr Salie and Dr S Webber has a passion for Rct and crown and bridge work.
Located in Claremont Cape Town we are dedicated to bringing our patients state-of-the art dental care. With special expertise in paediatrics, we can treat your children in a child friendly and effective manner (registered through the international association of paediatric dentists) and at the same time treat the family as well.
We pride ourselves in treating those terrified and anxious adults and have done a highly specialised course through the South African Institute of hypnotism. Dr Ahmad also represented South Africa at the Paediatric conference in Athens, Greece (2011)
Versatility is very important in current times and it’s important that your dentist understands that children / kids and adults have different needs and approaches and that they are addressed accordingly (we are family dentists and hence see both children and adults).
Just to make sure your kids love it at the dentist Dr Ahmad has attended the school of magic and is always keen to show children magic tricks. He also does balloon sculpturing. Trust us to get them coming back over and over again.
We pride ourselves in relationship building with our clients and our convenient location in the affluent community of Claremont makes us the ideal location for a convenient and safe dental treatment of both adults and children alike.
WE accept major medical aids and private patients!
They continue to be committed to providing the very best in dental care available in CLAREMONT Cape Town for both locals and their many international clients.
Please feel free to explore the website, or call us at 021 683 1237 for an appointment!
Claremont Cape Town Dentist is situated in the southern suburbs. We are dentists in Cape Town who cater for adult as well as children. (Childrens dentist / Kid dentist / Kids Dentists / Childrens Dentists Cape Town)
Dr Ahmad does balloon sculpturing for kids to help them to relax before working on their teeth.
Registered with international association of Paediatric / Pediatric dentists. claremont doctor
Client Testimonials
We offer the following services for kids / children:
Scale and polish, Fillings, Extractions, General Anaesthetic
We offer the following services for adults:
Scale and polish, Filings, Dentures, Extractions, Crowns and Bridges, Teeth Whitening, Deep Relaxation Theraphy
Dentist clinics – pediatric dentists – childrens dentists – kid dentist – dentist for children –
Our surounding areas are rondebosch, cape town, kenilworth, newlands, constantia, mowbray, kenwyn and plumstead